
Name: Dicynodontoides.
Phonetic: Di-sy-no-don-toy-dees.
Named By: Robert Broom‭ ‬-‭ ‬1940.
Synonyms: Dicynodon nowacki,‭ ‬Dicynodon recurvidens,‭ ‬Kingoria.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Synapsida,‭ ‬Therapsida,‭ ‬Dicynodontia,‭ ‬Kingoriidae.
Species: D.‭ ‬recurvidens‭ (‬type‭)‬,‭ ‬D.‭ ‬nowacki.
Diet: Herbivore.
Size: Unavailable.
Known locations: South Africa.‭ ‬Tanzania‭ ‬-‭ ‬Usili Formation.
Time period: Late Permian.
Fossil representation: Partial remains of several individuals.

       Dicynodontoides is a genus of dicynodont that lived during the Permian.‭ ‬So far D.‭ ‬recurvidens is known from South Africa,‭ ‬while D.‭ ‬nowacki is known from Tanzania.

Further reading
-‭ ‬Die Anomodontier des Ruhuhu-Gebietes in der Tübinger Sammlung‭ [‬Anomodontia of Ruhuhu valley in the collection of Tübingen‭]‬.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Palaeontographica Abteilung A‭ ‬94:154-184.‭ ‬-‭ ‬F.‭ ‬von Huene‭ ‬-‭ ‬1942.
-‭ ‬Taxonomic revision and new observations on the postcranial skeleton,‭ ‬biogeography,‭ ‬and biostratigraphy of the dicynodont genus Dicynodontoides,‭ ‬the senior subjective synonym of Kingoria‭ (‬Therapsida,‭ ‬Anomodontia‭)‬.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology‭ ‬29‭ (‬4‭)‬:‭ ‬1174‭–‬1187.‭ ‬-‭ K. D. ‬Angielczyk, C. A. Sidor, S. J. Nesbitt, R. M. Smith & L. A. Tsuji - 2009.


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