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Benjamin Gutierrez

Vertebrate Paleontologist

Benjamin Gutierrez is a leading expert on dinosaurs, particularly the mighty theropods. His fieldwork in South America has uncovered new species and provided insights into dinosaur social structures.

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Haikouichthys‭ (‬Fish from Haikou‭).



Named By

Luo,‭ ‬et al‭ ‬1999.


Chordata,‭ ‬Craniata,‭ ‬Agnatha.


Exact feeding behaviour unkown.


C.‭ ‬ercaicunensis


‬2.5‭ ‬centimeters.

Known locations

China,‭ ‬Qiongzhusi Formation.

Time Period

Tommotian of the Cambrian.

Fossil representation

One preserved specimen.

In Depth

       Haikouichthys is one of the earliest fish discovered and by extension,‭ ‬earliest vertebrates.‭ ‬At the time of the discovery the first fish were thought to have evolved‭ ‬50‭ ‬million years later.‭ ‬Haikouichthys had between six to nine girls,‭ ‬and what appears to be a notochord.‭ ‬A dorsal fin runs almost the entire length of the body from the back of the head,‭ ‬curving all the way around to the rear underside. There are‭ ‬13‭ ‬circular structures along the base but their function to date is only speculative.

Further Reading

– Head and backbone of the Early Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys – D. G. Shu, S. C. Morris, J. Han, Z. F. Zhang, K. Yasui, P. Janvier, L. Chen, X. L. Zhang et al. – 2003. – A paleontological perspective of vertebrate origin. – Chinese Science Bulletin 2003 Vol. 48 No. 8. – D. G. Shu – 2003. – Evidence for a single median fin-fold and tail in the Lower Cambrian vertebrate, Haikouichthys ercaicunensis – X. G. Zhang & X.G.Hou – 2004.

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