
In Depth        Yimenosaurus is one of the more popular sauropodomorph dinosaurs thanks to the large number of fossils from several individuals that make up the genus.‭ ‬At the time of writing the only uncertainty concerning Yimenosaurus are the limbs,‭ ‬which have a distinct lack of representation.‭ ‬Yimenosaurus is also known to have easily attained sizes … Read more


In Depth        Nambalia is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur that lived in India during the late Triassic.‭ Further Reading -‭ ‬New dinosaur species from the Upper Triassic Upper Maleri and Lower Dharmaram formations of Central India.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh‭ ‬101:333-349.‭ ‬-‭ ‬F.‭ ‬E.‭ ‬Novas,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬D.‭ … Read more


In Depth        Camelotia was a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur that lived in England during the Late Triassic.‭ ‬However the rear limb is also similar to early sauropods,‭ ‬something which has seen the Camelotia genus tentatively assigned to the Melanorosauridae‭ (‬type genus Melanorosaurus‭)‬.‭ ‬The name Camelotia was derived from the name Camelot,‭ ‬the castle that was … Read more


In Depth        Xingxiulong is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur that lived in China during the early Jurassic.‭ ‬The robust nature of the fossils bones strongly suggest that Xingxiulong would have been heavily built in life,‭ ‬though likely still would have been bipedal. Further Reading -‭ ‬A new basal sauropodiform dinosaur from the Lower Jurassic of … Read more


In Depth        Yunnanosaurus is one of the best represented‭ ‬sauropodomorph‭ (‬previously known as prosauropods‭) ‬dinosaurs not only in China,‭ ‬but the entire world,‭ ‬with the fossils remains of over twenty individual Yunnanosaurus so far known.‭ ‬This has allowed palaeontologists to become familiar with most aspects of this genus including the realisation that Yunnanosaurus would have … Read more


In Depth        Panphagia has been popularly perceived to have been an omnivore,‭ ‬an analysis based upon examination of the teeth.‭ ‬This is mainly because the teeth towards the rear of the mouth are broader and leaf shaped,‭ ‬better suited for slicing through plant material.‭ ‬The teeth‭ ‬at the front however are still better for processing … Read more


In Depth        Leyesaurus is a genus of small sauropodomorph dinosaur that lived in South America around the early Jurassic.‭ ‬Predatory threats to Leyesaurus would have mostly come from theropod dinosaurs. Further Reading -‭ ‬A new basal sauropodomorph‭ (‬Dinosauria:‭ ‬Saurischia‭) ‬from Quebrada del Barro Formation‭ (‬Marayes-El Carrizal Basin‭)‬,‭ ‬Northwestern Argentina.‭ ‬-‭ ‬PLoS ONE‭ ‬6‭(‬11‭)‬:e26964:1-19.‭ ‬-‭ ‬C.‭ … Read more


In Depth        Gyposaurus is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur that technically does not exist anymore.‭ ‬Two species have been named,‭ ‬the type species G.‭ ‬capensis from South Africa,‭ ‬and G.‭ ‬sinensis from China.‭ ‬Doubts were cast upon the validity of the type species in‭ ‬1976‭ ‬when a study by Galton and Cluver came to the … Read more


In Depth        Euskelosaurus may have been quite specialised for a sauropodomorph dinosaur since the shaft of the femur is physically twisted.‭ ‬This led‭ ‬in‭ ‬1979‭ ‬to‭ ‬a palaeontologist by the name of Heerden to suggest that Euskelosaurus might have been bow legged instead of just growing straight down like similar sauropodomorphs.‭ ‬The twisting of the … Read more


In Depth        Initially described as a species of Melanorosaurus,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬thabanensis was elevated to its oven genus level and named Meroktenos in‭ ‬2016.‭ ‬Meroktenos is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur that once lived in Africa during the late Triassic. Further Reading -‭ ‬New material and revision of Melanorosaurus thabanensis,‭ ‬a basal sauropodomorph from the Upper … Read more