
In Depth        Duriavenator was for a long time attributed to Megalosaurus,‭ ‬part‭ ‬of the‭ ‘‬wastebasket taxon‭’ ‬effect which saw Megalosaurus becoming a home for many fossils that actually represented similar yet different dinosaurs. Further Reading – A redescription of “Megalosaurus” hesperis (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Inferior Oolite (Bajocian, Middle Jurassic) of Dorset, United Kingdom. – … Read more


In Depth        The history of Piveteausaurus is one that is littered with comparisons to other theropod genera.‭ ‬The braincase that is the holotype fossil of Piveteausaurus was first described in‭ ‬1923‭ ‬by Jean Piveteau.‭ ‬Fossils of other dinosaurs had been discovered in the same region as this braincase all the way back to‭ ‬1808‭ ‬when … Read more


In Depth        Kaijiangosaurus is only known from very fragmentary remains,‭ ‬so it is difficult to establish exactly where it belongs in relation with other dinosaurs.‭ ‬Further remains have been attributed to the genus but are currently undescribed,‭ ‬but some palaeontologists have leaned towards a classification within the Megalosauridae‭ (‬the theropod dinosaur group typified by Megalosaurus‭)‬.‭ … Read more


In Depth        The holotype tooth of this genus was originally described by the German palaeontologist Werner Janensch in‭ ‬1920‭ ‬as belonging to the genus Labrosaurus.‭ ‬The first reassignment came about when Labrosaurus was declared to be a synonym of Allosaurus,‭ ‬but the teeth in question were not seen to be similar to those known‭ ‬for … Read more



In Depth The Introduction of Megalosaurus to Science        Megalosaurus was the dinosaur that started a great many things including the science of palaeontology,‭ ‬the debate about if dinosaurs should be called names that end with‭ ‘‬saurus‭’ ‬because they are not‭ ‘‬lizards‭’‬,‭ ‬to lifetimes of fascination about the creatures that once walked the Earth when we … Read more


In Depth        Eustreptospondylus was first described in‭ ‬1841,‭ ‬but the original fossil material has since been lost.‭ ‬A second set of remains was discovered in‭ ‬1964‭ ‬and is surmised to be Eustreptospondylus based upon the description of the original material.‭ ‬The new material features vertebra that are lacking development of the upper parts,‭ ‬indicating that … Read more