
In Depth        Gillicus was related to another Cretaceous bony fish, ‭‬Xiphactinus,‭ ‬and with it shared a streamlined body with a strongly upturned mouth.‭ ‬These characteristic features have led both fish to be compared to the modern day Tarpon,‭ ‬although neither of them are actually related to it.        Gillicus had several small sharp teeth in its … Read more


In Depth        The broad range of fossils discovered around the world suggests that the bony fish Xiphactinus had a cosmopolitan distribution.‭ ‬A comparable similar fish with regards to appearance is the modern day Tarpon.‭ ‬Although Tarpon are not related to the ancient Xiphactinus,‭ ‬their streamlined bodies and strongly upturned mouths bear a striking resemblence.        One … Read more