
In Depth        Carniadactylus was born out of the realisation that a pterosaur specimen that was attributed to Eudimorphodon actually represented a different genus. Aside from being smaller than Eudimorphodon, one of the main areas of difference is the proportionately longer legs of Carniadactylus. Since it has now been placed within the campylognathoididae, Carniadactylus is considered … Read more



In Depth        Eudimorphodon represents one of the earliest known pterosaurs, and already features that include a possibly vaned tail like that seen in Rhamphorhynchus can be clearly seen to be established. However the tail seems to lack stiffening tendons that can be seen in the rhamphorhynchoid group, and may have been of little use in … Read more


In Depth        Very little was known about Caviramus when it was discovered as it was only known from a ramus (part of the side of the lower jaw) and two teeth. This lack of knowledge continued until 2009 when another pterosaur from the same area, Raeticodactylus, was found to have been identical to the fragment … Read more