
Name: Tralkasaurus (Thunder lizard).
Phonetic: Tral-kah-sore-us.
Named By: M. A. Cerroni, M. J. Motta, F. L. Agnolin, A. M. Aranciaga Rolando, F. Brissón Egli & F. E. Novas - 2019.
Classification: Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Theropoda, Abelisauridae.
Species: T. cuyi (type).
Diet: Carnivore.
Size: Holotype roughly estimated at about 4 meters long.
Known locations: Argentina, Rio Negro Province - Huincul Formation.
Time period: Cenomanian/Turonian of the Cretaceous.
Fossil representation: Partial remains of the skull and post cranial skeleton.

       Tralkasaurus was named from very partial fossil remains, so it is hard to be certain and the full life features of this dinosuar. At the time of discovery, what can be said is that Tralkasaurus seems to have been an abelisaurid theropod, and one that seems to have been smaller than most other known abelisaurid dinosaurs. This perhaps by might reflect a different prey specialisation for Tralkasaurus, one that avoided it competing with other larger theropod dinosaurs in its ecosystem, such as carcharodontosaurids and megaraptorans.
       Other abelisaurid theropod dinosaurs from the same Hincal Formation that Tralkasaurus is known from include Skorpiovenator and Ilokelesia. Other dinosaurs in general that Tralkasaurus may have encountered include Mapusaurus, Limaysaurus and the massive Argentinosaurus.

Further reading
- A new abelisaurid from the Huincul Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian; Upper Cretaceous) of Río Negro Province, Argentina. - Journal of South American Earth Sciences. - M. A. Cerroni, M. J. Motta, F. L. Agnolin, A. M. Aranciaga Rolando, F. Brissón Egli & F. E. Novas - 2019.


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