
Name: Corythoraptor ‭(‬crested raptor/theif‭)‬.
Phonetic: Co-re-fo-rap-tor.
Named By: J.-C.‭ ‬Lu,‭ ‬G.-Q.‭ ‬Li,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Kundrát,‭ ‬Y.-N.‭ ‬Lee,‭ ‬Z.-Y.‭ ‬Sun,‭ ‬Y.‭ ‬Kobayashi,‭ ‬C.-Z.‭ ‬Shen,‭ ‬F.-F.‭ ‬Teng‭ & ‬H.-F.‭ ‬Liu‭ ‬-‭ ‬2017.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Saurischia,‭ ‬Theropoda,‭ ‬Oviraptoridae,‭ ‬Oviraptorinae.
Species: C.‭ ‬jacobsi‭ (‬type‭)‬.
Diet: Uncertain.
Size: About‭ ‬1.6‭ ‬meters long.
Known locations: China,‭ ‬Guangdong Province‭ ‬-‭ ‬Nanxiong Formation.
Time period: Campanian/Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous.
Fossil representation: Skull,‭ ‬jaw and most of the post cranial skeleton.

       Corythoraptor is a genus of oviraptorid dinosaur that lived in China during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Corythoraptor has been described as having a head crest similar to that of a modern day cassowary.‭ ‬The beak of Corythoraptor was also more pointed towards the end,‭ ‬suggesting feeding specialisation.‭ ‬Corythoraptor is one of many oviraptorid dinosaurs discovered within the Nanxiong Formation,‭ ‬and a feeding specialisation may have allowed Corythoraptor to coexist with other similar dinosaurs because they were not competing for the same food sources.‭ ‬A possible close relative of Corythoraptor is Huanansaurus.

Further reading
-‭ ‬High diversity of the Ganzhou Oviraptorid Fauna increased by a new‭ “‬cassowary-like‭” ‬crested species.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Scientific Reports‭ ‬7‭(‬6393‭)‬.‭ ‬-‭ ‬J.-C.‭ ‬Lu,‭ ‬G.-Q.‭ ‬Li,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Kundrát,‭ ‬Y.-N.‭ ‬Lee,‭ ‬Z.-Y.‭ ‬Sun,‭ ‬Y.‭ ‬Kobayashi,‭ ‬C.-Z.‭ ‬Shen,‭ ‬F.-F.‭ ‬Teng‭ & ‬H.-F.‭ ‬Liu‭ ‬-‭ ‬2017.


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