
In Depth        Saniwa is one of the better known genera of prehistoric monitor lizard,‭ ‬and although initially only known from North America,‭ ‬specimens are now known from Europe as well as northern Asia.‭ ‬Like monitor lizards living today,‭ ‬Saniwa was a predator.‭ ‬Juvenile monitor lizards tend to focus upon hunting invertebrates like insects,‭ ‬but as … Read more


In Depth        Perhaps the easiest way to describe Palaeosaniwa is as a late Cretaceous monitor lizard.‭ ‬Indeed the name Palaeosaniwa actually means‭ ‘‬ancient Saniwa‭’‬,‭ ‬a reference to the genus Saniwa which was a kind of monitor lizard that lived in North America later during the Eocene.        The teeth of Palaeosaniwa are flattened like blades with … Read more