

In Depth        The skull of Bistahieversor has many features that are considered primitive for the tyrannosaurid group,‭ ‬but most importantly,‭ ‬a noticeable depth that is lacking in other,‭ ‬and later,‭ ‬tyrannosaurid species.‭ ‬This is significant because it was once thought that only the later and more advanced tyrannosaurids,‭ ‬like Tyrannosaurus itself,‭ ‬had deeper snouts.‭ ‬The … Read more



In Depth        One thing that made Dilong stand out from other dinosaurs upon its discovery‭ ‬was the impressions of protofeathers.‭ ‬These protofeathers were not capable of enabling flight,‭ ‬but were very good at insulating,‭ ‬keeping heat in the body.‭ ‬A higher base temperature for a cold blooded creature means a faster metabolism and more active … Read more


In Depth        First discovered in‭ ‬1984‭ ‬and originally described as a species of Stokesosaurus in‭ ‬2008,‭ ‬S.‭ ‬langhami was re-described as a new genus of tyrannosaur in‭ ‬2013.‭ ‬As is standard practice with such occurences,‭ ‬the original species name of langhami was retained to create the new type species,‭ ‬Juratyrant langhami.‭ ‬The species name is … Read more


In Depth        The few scant fragmentary remains of Labocania make it very difficult to classify,‭ ‬but analysis of the post cranial elements suggest that it was a tyrannosaurid.‭ ‬What parts of the skull which are known are more robust however suggesting that‭ ‬Labocania had a differently shaped skull.‭ ‬It is easy to see why Labocania … Read more


In Depth        Dryptosaurus aquilunguis first started off being known as Laelaps aquilunguis when it was first named in‭ ‬1866‭ ‬by Edward Drinker Cope,‭ ‬and under the name Laelaps it was one of the first North American dinosaurs to be named.‭ ‬Cope chose the name Laelaps after a dog in Greek mythology which always caught what … Read more


In Depth        Jinbeisaurus is a genus of tyrannosaur that lived in China during the Late Cretaceous,‭ ‬and is the first dinosaur of its kind discovered in Shanxi Province.‭ ‬Fossils of Jinbeisaurus are very partially preserved meaning it is hard to be certain about too much detail about this dinosaur.‭ ‬The size of the fossils of … Read more


In Depth        Dating back around one-hundred and fifty-two million years ago,‭ ‬Stokesosaurus is one of the earliest representatives of the tyrannosaur lineage,‭ ‬being only slightly later than Guanlong.‭ ‬At up to four meters long,‭ ‬Stokesosaurus resembled the juvenile forms of later tyrannosarids,‭ ‬and was a fleet footed predator relying upon speed to catch prey.‭ ‬Stokesosaurus … Read more


In Depth        Remains of Suskityrannus were first announced back in‭ ‬1998‭ ‬when the description of the ceratopsian dinosaur Zuniceratops was first published.‭ ‬Back then the fossil remains were thought to have been those‭ ‬of a dromaeosaur,‭ ‬but in‭ ‬2019,‭ ‬a more detailed analysis of these fossils were published.‭ ‬The name chosen for this dinosaur was … Read more



In Depth        Gorgosaurus had the same basic body plan of all tyrannosaurids with a large head on an s-shaped neck,‭ ‬small arms and bipedal stance.‭ ‬With around sixty teeth in its mouth‭ (‬there is some variance between specimens‭) ‬Gorgosaurus shared a common trait with other tyrannosaurids of its size,‭ ‬as the larger the tyrannosaurids go … Read more


In Depth        Raptorex is a very dubious genus of tyrannosaur that many consider to be a juvenile Tarbosaurus.‭ ‬When Raptorex was first revealed to the world the holotype had already been dug out of the ground and shipped to Japan where it was purchased by an American businessman.‭ ‬Back then the fossil was being identified … Read more