
In Depth        Wulatelong has been considered to be a fairly basal oviraptorid similar to some genera such as Incisivosaurus and Caudipteryx.‭ ‬Unfortunately the holotype remains of Wulatelong have suffered erosion from the harsh environment that they were found in because they were discovered already exposed to the elements.        Wulatelong would have likely shared its habitat … Read more


In Depth        Parahongshanornis is a genus of primitive bird that lived in China during the early Cretaceous.‭ ‬The genus is noted for its similarity to another genus called Hongshanornis,‭ ‬hence the name Parahongshanornis which can be translated to English as‭ ‘‬near Hongshanornis‭’‬. Further Reading -‭ ‬A new ornithurine bird‭ (‬Hongshanornithidae‭) ‬from the Jiufotang Formation of … Read more



In Depth        As a basal therizinosaur Beipiaosaurus revealed some surprising characteristics,‭ ‬hence the species name inexpectus.‭ ‬One of these‭ ‬characteristics is the underdeveloped inner toes,‭ ‬something that is very different to later therizinosaurids which have all four toes developed and in contact with the ground.‭ ‬This has been taken as an indication of a three … Read more


In Depth        Khaan is a genus of small oviraptorid dinosaur that lived in Mongolia during the Late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Studies into Khaan individuals may have revealed differences between males and females.‭ ‬On some specimens,‭ ‬the caudal‭ (‬tail‭) ‬vertebrae have reduced chevrons,‭ ‬and this has been seen as a sign of a female.‭ ‬The reduced chevrons at … Read more