
In Depth        Named after Erlik,‭ ‬the demon king in Mongolian mythology,‭ ‬Erlikosaurus was a ground breaking discovery as it was the first therizinosaurid skull known to science.‭ ‬Despite the overall lack of other skeletal material,‭ ‬this skull made Erlikosaurus a model for other therizinosaurids,‭ ‬which at the time were only known from their post cranial … Read more


In Depth        Nanshiungosaurus was first described from partial remains mostly consisting of vertebrae in‭ ‬1979.‭ ‬To begin with Nanshiungosaurus was thought to be a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur,‭ ‬a‭ ‬bit later it was realised to be a therizinosaur.‭ ‬As a therizinosaur,‭ ‬Nanshiungosaurus was a theropod dinosaur that had adapted to a herbivorous diet instead of a … Read more



In Depth        What makes Therizinosaurus and others from its group stand out from other dinosaurs are the huge claws that are on the end of its fingers.‭ ‬In Therizinosaurus these claws reached up to one meter long,‭ ‬and there purpose has three main theories.‭ ‬The first is for display,‭ ‬with the larger claws being indicative … Read more


In Depth        Much of Segnosaurus is still unknown and as such reconstructions of Segnosaurus are usually based with the addition of Erlikosaurus material‭ ‬to fill in the missing parts.‭ ‬Although very similar to one another,‭ ‬Segnosaurus has a key difference in the mouth in that the outer surface of the lower jaw begins at the … Read more