
In Depth        To put it bluntly,‭ ‬the remains of Hudiesaurus are very partial,‭ ‬but they do seem to belong to a mamenchisaurid sauropod,‭ ‬or in simpler terms,‭ ‬one like Mamenchisaurus.‭ ‬The remains which are known are without doubt huge,‭ ‬and comparison to other similar sauropod genera has resulted in an estimated length of around thirty … Read more


In Depth        The holotype bones of Haestasaurus were originally found in‭ ‬1852‭ ‬by a man named Samuel Husband Beckles who found them exposed by a low tide on a coast not far from Hastings.‭ ‬These remains were studied by Gideon Mantell‭ (‬best remembered for naming Iguanodon‭) ‬who considered them to represent a second species ‭of … Read more