
In Depth        Because the skull of Westphaliasaurus is so far unknown it is impossible to say for certain what the diet of Westphaliasaurus was.‭ ‬However most of the early Jurassic plesiosaurs were dedicated hunters of fish and possibly also squid,‭ ‬prey animals that would become a staple part of the diets of plesiosaurs throughout the … Read more


In Depth        Lusonectes was named from a combination of Luso‭ (‬Portugese‭)‬,‭ ‬and nectes‭ (‬swimmer‭)‬,‭ ‬and at the time of its naming it was the only plesiosaur genus named from a Portugese deposit.‭ ‬However Europe during the Jurassic was more a collection of islands rather than the single large land mass it is today,‭ ‬so it … Read more