

In Depth        Like similar predatory birds of its day,‭ ‬Phorusrhacos‭ ‬was‭ ‬flightless with its wings greatly reduced in size.‭ ‬The wings of Phorusrhacos also had sharp hooks that seem to be more suited for gripping.‭ ‬These hooks have been suggested as being used to secure struggling prey as Phorusrhacos dispatched it with its beak,‭ ‬but … Read more



       Large flightless birds are well known in the fossil records of the world’s southern continents,‭ ‬but it is usually the‭ ‘‬terror birds‭’ ‬of the Phorusrhacidae that usually steal the thunder of the others.‭ ‬Titanis manages to stand out from these other terror birds,‭ ‬not because it was one of the largest or most terrifying,‭ ‬but … Read more


In Depth        Devincenzia was one of the larger terror birds but was still more gracile than some such as Brontornis. This implies that Devincenzia would have had a greater reliance upon speed and agility while hunting. Actually attacks upon prey may have been a series of heavy downward blows from its beak onto the head … Read more



In Depth        Although not certain,‭ ‬Kelenken is a strong contender for the tallest‭ ‘‬terror bird‭’ (‬phorusrhacid‭) ‬known.‭ ‬This has seen Kelenken firmly placed within the Phorusrhacinae sub group of terror birds,‭ ‬and its remains suggest that it had a more gracile build when compared to the Brontornithinae group that contains large but more robust members … Read more