

In Depth        The name Iberomesornis is often translated to English as‭ ‘‬Spanish intermediate bird‭’‬,‭ ‬but the first part of the name is actually in reference to the Iberian Peninsula‭ (‬also just called Iberia‭) ‬which includes not only Spain,‭ ‬but Portugal,‭ ‬Andorra and part of southern France as well.‭ ‬At the time of writing however,‭ ‬Iberomesornis … Read more


In Depth        Xiangornis is a genus of enantiornithine bird from the early Cretaeous of China.‭ ‬The enantiornithine birds are considered separate from the ornithomorph birds,‭ ‬yet Xiangornis shows features that are common to both groups.‭ ‬Though this could simply be a case of convergent evolution with similar features being adapted by both groups,‭ ‬it has … Read more