
In Depth        Microceratus was actually first named all the way back in‭ ‬1953‭ ‬as Microceratops from partial remains discovered in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.‭ ‬Just over fifty years later however it was realised that Microceratops had already been used to name a genus of wasp,‭ ‬and so this dinosaur was renamed as Microceratus.        Microceratops … Read more


In Depth        Initially thought to represent a new specimen of Zephyrosaurus,‭ ‬the small partial skull of the holotype was soon realised to be a whole new genus of small ceratopsian dinosaur.‭ ‬Like most primitive ceratopsian dinosaurs,‭ ‬Aquilops was a fairly small dinosaur measuring just over half a meter in length.‭ ‬The name Aquilops means‭ ‘‬eagle … Read more