
In Depth        Originally named as a species of Steneosaurus,‭ ‬S.‭ ‬baroni was found to represent a distinct genus in a university thesis written by Michela M.‭ ‬Johnson in‭ ‬2019.‭ ‬The following year a new genus description was published for S.‭ ‬baroni,‭ ‬and thus the Andrianavoay genus was established.‭ ‬Andrianavoay was a thalattosuchian,‭ ‬but a more … Read more


In Depth        Neosteneosaurus is a genus of thalattosuchian that lived in the waters of Europe during the mid Jurassic.‭ ‬The establishment of the Neosteneosaurus genus was born out of a major review of the old Steneosaurus genus which for a long time was treated as a wastebasket formed fossils that had a basic superficial likeness … Read more