
In Depth        Although not as famous as Smilodon,‭ ‬Xenosmilus was nonetheless an exceptionally powerful Pleistocene era big cat that is estimated to have weighed between‭ ‬230-400‭ ‬kg.‭ ‬This estimate puts Xenosmilus within the same weight class as the largest species of Smilodon,‭ ‬and even though it was smaller,‭ ‬Xenosmilus would have been proportionately stronger for … Read more


In Depth        While Machairodus possesses enlarged canine fangs they seem to be intermediate between regular sized canines and the larger canines exhibited by other similar cats.‭ ‬These teeth combined with squat proportions and a robust physique has led to speculation that Machairodus’s hunting behaviour was that of an ambush predator.‭ ‬The popular depiction of Machairodus … Read more