
In Depth        Sometimes dubbed the‭ ‘‬Asian Iguanodon‭’‬,‭ ‬Probactrosaurus is no way near as well-known as its older and far more famous relative‭ (‬which was actually the second dinosaur genus named,‭ ‬and the first one‭ ‬named‭ ‬that ate plants‭)‬.‭ ‬At roughly five and a half meters in length Probactrosaurus was actually quite small when compared to … Read more



In Depth        Magnamanus is a genus of iguanodont dinosaur that lived in Spain during‭ ‬the early Cretaceous.‭ ‬The name Magnamanus means‭ ‘‬large hand‭’‬,‭ ‬a reference to the enlarged well developed hands that this dinosaur genus adapted,‭ ‬notably more so than other known iguanodonts.‭ ‬The first individual of Magnamanus was at the time of its naming … Read more


In Depth        Talenkauen is a genus of small to medium sized ornithopod dinosaur that lived in South America during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Noted for being similar in overall build to the much older Dryosaurus from North America,‭ ‬some of the most notable features of Talenkauen include an arrangement of oval plates that run alongside the … Read more


In Depth        Edmontosaurus is without a doubt one of if not the most intensively studied hadrosaurid dinosaur.‭ ‬Not only are there many Edmontosaurus specimens known,‭ ‬but those that have been recovered include some of the best preserved hadrosaurid material so far found.Classification history        Edmontosaurus has one of the longest and most complicated taxonomic histories of … Read more


In Depth        In the closing years of the twentieth century a bone bed containing the remains of at least twenty-seven juvenile dinosaurs was excavated in South Africa.‭ ‬The‭ ‬2022‭ ‬study describing the genus‭ (‬Forster et al.‭) ‬considers these juveniles to represent everything from hatchlings to subadults,‭ ‬Possibly located at a nesting site.‭        The‭ ‬2022‭ ‬description … Read more


In Depth        Originally named as a species of Camptosaurus‭ ‬1909‭ (‬Gilmore‭)‬,‭ ‬and then later Planicoxa in‭ ‬2008‭ (‬Carpenter‭ & ‬Wilson‭)‬,‭ ‬Osmakasaurus was established as a new genus for partial post cranial remains that establish this genus.‭ ‬The species name‭ ‘‬depressus‭’ ‬has been retained to create the type species,‭ ‬which is standard procedure when naming a … Read more


In Depth        Notohypsilophodon is a genus of small ornithopod dinosaur that lived in South America during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Notohypsilophodon is so named based upon a superficial similarity to the genus Hypsilophodon while also recognising the more southern occurrence of this individual.‭ ‬Notohypsilophodon is so far only known from the partial remains of a juvenile,‭ … Read more


In Depth        Iguanacolossus acquired its name from its similarity to another dinosaur named Iguanodon.‭ ‬Although Iguanacolossus might not actually have been any bigger than the largest examples of Iguanodon,‭ ‬it might still have been the largest ornithopod plant eating dinosaur alive in North America at this stage of the Cretaceous,‭ ‬with the only plant‭ ‬eaters … Read more


In Depth        Hypselospinus was a genus of ornithopod that was similar to Iguanodon,‭ ‬so similar in fact that the holotype remains of the genus were originally named as a species of Iguanodon,‭ ‬I.‭ ‬fittoni.‭ ‬These remains were re-described as a new genus by Norman in‭ ‬2010,‭ ‬but not long after another name for the remains … Read more


In Depth        Although named from only a maxilla and tooth,‭ ‬the remains of this dinosaur are still complete enough to confidently identify it as an iguanodont.‭ ‬In life Siamodon would have been a medium to large sized ornithopod dinosaur that would have been primarily quadrupedal,‭ ‬but also occasionally bipedal.‭ ‬Although identified as being separate,‭ ‬Siamodon … Read more