
In Depth        Originally thought to be a cynodont,‭ ‬Lycorhinus was not realised to be a dinosaur until‭ ‬1962‭ ‬when Alfred Walter Crompton studied the holotype.‭ ‬Many remains have been attributed Lycorhinus in the past,‭ ‬but most of these have now been moved to other species of different genera,‭ ‬two examples being UCL A100‭ ‬and UCL … Read more


In Depth        Manidens is a genus of heterodontosaurid dinosaur that lived in Argentina during the Late Cretaceous.‭ ‬As a heterodontosaurid dinosaur,‭ ‬Manidens had a combination of differently formed teeth within the mouth,‭ ‬and for this reason Manidens is often considered to have been omnivorous,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬so far no stomach contents have been identified to confirm … Read more


In Depth        Heterodontosaurus is one of more popular ornithischian genera thanks to the mixture of teeth in the mouth.‭ ‬Heterodontosaurus had blade-like incisor teeth and chisel-like molar teeth within the mouth for processing food by slicing and grinding respectively.‭ ‬The show stealing features of the mouth however are the large tusks in the anterior‭ (‬front‭) … Read more


In Depth        The name Echinodon means‭ ‘‬hedgehog tooth‭’‬,‭ ‬and this is because when Richard Owen first named Echinodon in‭ ‬1861,‭ ‬he thought he was dealing with a lizard that had a similar lifestyle to a hedgehog.‭ ‬Later,‭ ‬Echinodon was often perceived to be a primitive thyreophoran dinosaur‭ (‬popularly known as an armoured dinosaur‭)‬,‭ ‬but today … Read more


In Depth        When the description of Pegomastax was first publically released news headlines of‭ ‘‬Dracula dinosaur‭’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Fanged vampire parrot‭’ ‬soon flooded the internet.‭ ‬Pegomastax however seems to be one of the heterodontosaurid dinosaurs,‭ ‬and although some palaeontologists have speculated that these kinds of dinosaurs used their teeth to eat small prey like lizards and … Read more


In Depth        With a weight estimate of 0.5-0.75 kilos, Fruitadens is by far one of the smallest known dinosaurs. Recovered specimens are thought to represent juveniles and sub adults that are almost fully grown. In appearance Fruitadens is considered to have been similar to Heterodontosaurus, although it may have been closer to Echinodon and Tianyulong … Read more


In Depth        The description of Abrictosaurus was born out of the naming of a species of Lycorhinus earlier in‭ ‬1974.‭ ‬The palaeontologist Richard Thulborn had named Lycorhinus consors,‭ ‬based upon a partial skull and skeleton,‭ ‬UCL B54,‭ ‬of what seemed to be a Lycorhinus angustidens,‭ ‬but lacked the tusk like teeth at the‭ ‬front of … Read more