
In Depth        Originally classed as a species of Pliohippus,‭ ‬Dinohippus seems to have been one of the most common horses in prehistoric North America.‭ ‬Dinohippus is considered to have been very close to the modern horse genus Equus,‭ ‬and like modern horses,‭ ‬Dinohippus lacked a dished face.‭ ‬Dinohippus‭ ‬was once considered to have been an … Read more


In Depth        Astrohippus is one of many of the horse genera that were roaming around North America during the Miocene period,‭ ‬but it is one of the few to be considered a close relative of the Equus genus which is where modern horses belong,‭ ‬though the tooth structure of Astrohippus strongly suggests that Astrohippus is … Read more