
In Depth        Brochuchus is a genus of crocodile that lived in Africa during the Miocene.‭ ‬The genus Brochuchus was named‭ ‬after Christopher A.‭ ‬Brochu in recognition for his work on cocodylians and associated animals.‭ Further reading -‭ ‬New specimens of‭ ‘‬Crocodylus‭’ ‬pigotti‭ (‬Crocodylidae‭) ‬from Rusinga Island,‭ ‬Kenya,‭ ‬and generic reallocation of the species.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Journal … Read more


In Depth        Aldabrachampsus was a fairly small crocodile known to have been active around the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean during the Pleistocene period.‭ ‬It is believed that Aldabrachampsus came to Aldbara Atoll by migration because previously the atoll had been submerged for over one hundred thousand years.‭ ‬A possible source could be either Madagascar … Read more


In Depth        Paludirex is a genus of crocodile that lived in Australia roughly during the Pliocene and Pleistocene periods. Further reading -‭ ‬Australia’s prehistoric‭ ‘‬swamp king‭’‬:‭ ‬revision of the Plio-Pleistocene crocodylian genus Pallimnarchus de Vis,‭ ‬1886.‭ ‬PeerJ.‭ ‬8:‭ ‬e10466.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Jorgo Ristevski​,‭ ‬Adam M.‭ ‬Yates,‭ ‬Gilbert J.‭ ‬Price,‭ ‬Ralph E.‭ ‬Molnar,‭ ‬Vera Weisbecker‭ & ‬Steven … Read more