

In Depth        The only known example of the pterosaur Feilongus is incomplete and has been damaged in the fossilisation process.‭ ‬Only the skull,‭ ‬mandible and parts of the braincase are preserved.‭ ‬What can be gleamed from the fossil is that Feilongus had a large overbite with the upper jaw extended up to‭ ‬2.7‭ ‬centimetres beyond … Read more


In Depth        Though Moganopterus probably does not have the largest skull of any pterosaur,‭ ‬it does have the largest skull of any toothed pterosaur.‭ ‬This size is down to the jaws being very elongated,‭ ‬possibly for additional reach.‭ ‬There were at least sixty-two teeth in the skull,‭ ‬though possibly more.‭ ‬On the back of the … Read more


In Depth        Like in other ornithocherid pterosaurs the sharp teeth of Boreopterus project out to the sides with the largest near the tip of the snout, most notably the third and fourth pairs from the tip of the snout. When the teeth near the tips of the jaws meshed together they made for an effective … Read more