
In Depth        Even though it was ten meters long, it is not its size that makes Stomatosuchus stand out but its presumed feeding strategy. The upper jaw only had small conical teeth, while the lower jaw has been suggested at being toothless, with the inclusion of a pelican like pouch underneath. This is unprecedented amongst … Read more


In Depth        Although Effigia resembles and ornithomimid dinosaur, it is thought that this is just a case of convergent evolution. Later studies have suggested that Effigia is the same creature as the archosaur Chatterjeea and that both are synonymous with the archosaur Shuvosaurus.        The type specimen is named after the renowned artist Georgia O’Keeffe, whose … Read more


In Depth        While superficially similar to Tanystropheus, Dinocephalosaurus appears to be more suited to aquatic hunting. Key evidence for this is the fact that the legs were not as well developed as the other protorosaurs that were land dwelling creatures. The eyes on the skull point upward suggesting that Dinocephalosaurus approached its prey from below … Read more