
Name: Megawhaitsia.
Phonetic: Meg-ah-wayt-se-ah.
Named By: M.‭ ‬F.‭ ‬Ivakhnenko‭ ‬-‭ ‬2008.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Synapsida,‭ ‬Therapsida,‭ ‬Therocephalia,‭ ‬Whaitsiidae.
Species: M.‭ ‬patrichae‭ (‬type‭)‬.
Diet: Carnivore.
Size: ‭ ‬Skull estimated to be about‭ ‬40‭ ‬to‭ ‬50‭ ‬centimetres long.
Known locations: Russia.
Time period: Wuchiapingian of the Permian.
Fossil representation: Maxilla.

       Megawhaitsia is a genus of therocephalian therapsid that lived in Russia during the Permian.‭ ‬At the time of its description,‭ ‬Megawhaitsia is only known from a single portion of maxilla,‭ ‬the tooth bearing bone of the upper jaw.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬reconstructions of the skull of Megawhaitsia based upon scaling to the maxilla have revealed that the skull would have been somewhere in the region of forty to fifty centimetres long,‭ ‬This alone indicates that by the standards of the Late Permian,‭ ‬Megawhaitsia would have been a very large predator.

Further reading
-‭ ‬The First Whaitsiid‭ (‬Therocephalia,‭ ‬Theromorpha‭) ‬from the Terminal Permian of Eastern Europe.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Paleontological Journal‭ ‬42‭(‬4‭)‬:409-413.‭ ‬-‭ ‬M.‭ ‬F.‭ ‬Ivakhnenko - 2008.


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