
Name: Gallardosaurus ‭(‬Gallard’s lizard‭).
Phonetic: Gal-lard-o-sore-us.
Named By: Zulma Gasparini‭ ‬-‭ ‬2009.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Sauropterygia,‭ ‬Plesiosauria,‭ ‬Pliosauridae.
Species: G.‭ ‬iturraldei‭ (‬type‭)‬.
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore.
Size: Uncertain.
Known locations: Cuba,‭ ‬Pinar del Río‭ ‬-‭ ‬Jagua Formation.
Time period: Oxfordian of the Jurassic.
Fossil representation: Partial skull and mandible‭ (‬lower jaw‭) ‬and some cervical‭ (‬neck‭) ‬vertebrae.‭ ‬Holotype remains are possibly those of a juvenile.

       The genus name of Gallardosaurus is in honour of Juan Gallardo,‭ ‬the farmer who first discovered the remains in‭ ‬1946.‭ ‬Despite the remains being discovered at this time,‭ ‬they were left unprepared for proper study,‭ ‬even in‭ ‬1996‭ ‬when Gallardosaurus was thought to possibly represent another specimen of Pliosaurus.‭ ‬When the remains were eventually prepared,‭ ‬Zulma Gasparini and Iturralde-Vinent considered them to be those of another pliosaur called Peloneustes in‭ ‬2006.‭ ‬In‭ ‬2009‭ ‬however,‭ ‬Gasparini re-exmamined the specimen and concluded that it was actually different enough to be its own genus.
       Gallardosaurus is one of a slowly growing number of distinctly Cuban marine reptiles that would have swum in the Mesozoic seas,‭ ‬however as a marine animal,‭ ‬Gallardosaurus likely had a broader distribution than just the waters of what would become Cuba.‭ ‬Gallardosaurus would have shared its marine habitat with the cryptoclidid plesiosaur Vinialesaurus.

Further reading
- A new Oxfordian pliosaurid (Plesiosauria, Pliosauridae) in the Caribbean Seaway. - Palaeontology 52(3):661-669. - Z. Gasparini - 2009.


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